Friday, May 11, 2012

Dark Shadows

My ViewDark Shadows (2012) In 1752, playboy Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) breaks the heart of a witch (Eva Green) and, to get back at him, she turns him into a vampire and buries him in a grave. In 1972, his grave is uncovered, and being undead, he returns to his mansion to discover it in ruins.  Its current occupants are his descendants, but they aren’t quite living up to the Collins name. This film has no idea what kind of film it is.  Is it a comedy, a dark comedy, a drama, a horror film?   It just doesn’t know, and the audience that I saw it with didn’t know either.  It’s like the director Tim Burton and Johnny Deep just threw ideas against a wall and kept what stuck. I thought the appeal of vampire movies was that they were sexy, but there isn’t anything sexy in this film.  And, Johnny Depp's makeup makes him look dead. The film has a great cast with Michelle Pfeiffer, Jackie Earle Haley, Chloe Grace Moretz, and Helena Bonhman Carter, but most of this talent is wasted on characters that seem to be just that - characters. The film is too long (almost 2 full hours) and feels like it could have used a couple of editing sessions to tighten up its pacing.   My Rating: You Would Have to Pay Me to See it Again   Dark Shadows Website
IndiefestThe Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012) A group of British retirees travel to India to move to, what they believe, is a world class resort hotel. When they arrive, they realize that it’s not exactly what you would call “World Class,” and it’s nothing like what they expected. Some of the new residents, though, find joy and enlightenment in their new home. The film is fun to watch, India is beautiful to look at, and the cast, which includes Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Bill Nighy, looks like they had a blast making this movie. This is the type of film that audiences have been looking for - a smart, intelligent film that has warmth and humor.   My Rating: Full Price   The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Website
IndiefestSound of My Voice (2012) A couple (Christopher Denham, Nicole Cicius) who are making a documentary film try to infiltrate a secretive cult led by a charismatic woman (Brit Marling) who claims she is from the future, the year 2054. Will the couple accomplish their task, or will they be sucked into the culture of the cult? This is an interesting character study on how people get involved with cults and start doing things they normally wouldn’t do. Brit Marling is perfect in the role as the leader and helps you understand how someone would be controlled by a cult. While not a perfect film, it is an interesting one.   My Rating: Bargain Matinee   Sound of My Voice Website
The 50 (A Movie from My Best/Worst film of All Time)
#21 Best Film
Pulp Fiction (1994) Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent (John Travolta) are hit men who are sent to retrieve a mysterious suitcase held by a mob boss (Ving Rhames). That’s just one of four stories that magically intertwine to make up a crazy ride of a movie. This film has an incredibly cast which also includes Uma Thurman, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, and Bruce Willis.  What makes this movie work, though, is the creative dialogue that Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino brings to  the screen with his wry sense of humor.   Pulp Fiction Info
Forgotten Film: Cinema Paradiso (1988) Winner of the 1989 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, this film is about a successful film director who, in flashbacks, remembers his childhood when he developed a friendship with a projectionist at a local film theatre. The projectionist serves as a father figure to the young boy and teaches him about the magic of film. This film is a celebration of the movies and they can touch our lives.  It’s also a moving coming- of-age tale of a young boy who has lost his father in a war and needs a man to help shape his life.   My Rating: Full Price   Cinema Paradiso Info
In Case You Missed it (A Film Just Released on DVD): The Vow (2012) A newly married couple (Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams) are in a car accident.  When the wife comes out a of coma, she does not remember what has happened over the last few years, including all her time with her husband. I did not like this film mostly due to the fact that Tatum is not up to carrying the movie in his lead role.   My Rating: Cable   The Vow Website
In Memory of Ed Wood (A Movie I’ve Only Seen in Trailers but Just Looks Like a Bad Idea):  G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2012): Yes, the film has Bruce Willis, but it also has Channing Tatum and The Rock (Dwayne Johnson).  Do we really need to Go Joe?   G.I. Joe Retaliation Website

Weird Credits: From the credits of Dark Shadows: Hair Artist for Mr. Depp

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near YouBrave (2012) Pixar’s summer animated film finally brings us a movie about a female hero, a young girl named Princess Merida, who must rely on her skill as an archer and her bravery to save her kingdom from a curse.   Brave Website
Until Next Time!

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